Traditionally CML logic has been used in this role, but the low voltage swing is not attractive in these technologies. 传统上应用于该领域的CML逻辑已经不再有吸引力了。
Application of a programmable logic controller to a pressure swing adsorption unit 可编程控制器在变压吸附装置中的应用
XNOR gate is the basic unit of Reed-Muller logic. The non-full swing signal in the existing XNOR gates causes the sub-threshold power dissipation. XNOR门是构成Reed-Muller逻辑的基本门电路,现有的XNOR门电路由于信号摆幅的不完全性而导致后级亚阈功耗的存在。
First, a fuzzy logic control ensures smooth and fast swing up control. 首先用逻辑模糊控制实现快速平滑的摇起;
A programmable logic controller ( PLC), from Mitsubishi, Japan, is used to control operation of a unit for pressure swing adsorption ( PSA), and good results are achieved. 采用日本三菱公司生产的FX型可编程序控制器,在变压吸附装置上控制其操作,取得良好的效果,减轻了操作人员的强度,提高了工作效率。
Using a constant biasing current and a reduced output logic swing, current-steering logic avoids the large digital switching noise of conventional static CMOS logic. 通过采用恒定工作电流和限制电路的输出逻辑摆幅,电流控制逻辑能避免静态CMOS电路工作时引入的瞬态开关噪声电流。
This work mainly focused on research of high speed frequency divider and its application. A current mode logic divider with nearly full voltage swing was designed. The divider could be directly connected to CMOS logic without level shifter circuit. 本文主要研究高速分频电路及其应用。完成了一种电流模式逻辑(CML)分频器设计,电压输出近似为满摆幅,可以直接和CMOS逻辑电路相连而不需要电平移位电路。